Thursday, October 9, 2014

Blog Post 6: PostIt Notes Annotation Strategy

One of my annotations that I wrote was a thought that was elaborating on something that was discussed on page 105 at the end of the first paragraph. It was discussing how students are choosing to accept the passive role that is placed upon them which forces them to adapt to the world as it is with a disoriented viewpoint of reality. This idea started to generate thoughts in my mind about why this is bound to happen with students. My thought is that I think students are willingly conforming to social norms rather than challenging themselves because the banking system within the education system is allowing them to. Maybe in some ways the banking system is an effective tool to use for teaching but in other ways it can serve as a disadvantage. If students embrace that they are being ignored as intellectual human beings it will only make them more immature. Students do not gain a sense of confidence if teachers teach are only depositing without first explaining the content’s meaning and forcing the students to attempt to understand it. We should not let the students who are being imposed with the banking system to continue to believe that this is the right way to learn. Students must be challenged to think differently and be able to ask questions instead of just being told to memorize information. 

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